skincare kit, skincare set,

Develop New Bottles Moulds

1. We invite customers to provide their ideas or samples, which we will use to create a 2D drawing for confirmation. If you have a real sample for us, we can provide 1:1 bottle samples.

Private Label Skincare Packaging Moulds

2. Provide 3D drawings or Mock-up samples of a few pieces for your confirmation within a week

Bottles with Your Brands’ Logo

3. Once the mock-up samples have been approved, we will proceed with the development of new moulds in accordance with the approved mock-up samples.

Frosted Shampoo Bottle Shampoo And Conditioner Bottles Empty Hdpe Cosmetic Bottles

Cosmetic Bottles Samples

4. Provide Pre-production samples for your approval

Private Label Packaging Shipment

5. Once we have received the deposit and samples, we will proceed with mass production and quality control before shipment.


Colour is a crucial aspect of packaging, as it conveys the character and identity of the product. By differentiating the custom skincare packaging from other products on the shelf, colour helps to increase the brand’s recognizability.

Spray colour

Spray painting can achieve a variety of colors and effects, including pearlescent, metallic, matte effects, meeting the personalized needs of product appearance. Unified spray painting colors and specific effects can enhance product recognition, aiding in brand image formation and promotion.

Delicate gradient color

Delicate gradients offer a subtle yet captivating aesthetic that can instantly elevate the perceived value of your products. By blending harmonious colors seamlessly, gradients create a sense of depth, dimension, and sophistication. This effect can evoke a feeling of luxury and elegance, capturing the attention of your target audience.

The advantage of delicate gradients extends beyond their visual appeal. Gradients allow for seamless transitions between colors, creating a cohesive and balanced design. They can be customized to match your brand identity and product line, reinforcing brand recognition and creating a memorable visual experience for your customers.

Semi-Transparent colour

Semi-transparent colors offer a unique opportunity to create an alluring visual experience for your products. By incorporating these hues into your packaging design, you can convey a sense of elegance, sophistication, and intrigue. The gentle translucency allows glimpses of the product within, enticing consumers and stimulating their curiosity.

This advantage extends beyond aesthetics alone. Semi-transparent packaging also allows customers to gauge the remaining amount of product, fostering a sense of transparency and trust. Furthermore, it can showcase the quality and purity of your formulations, underscoring your commitment to excellence.

Solid colour

Solid colors offer a bold and impactful visual statement, instantly capturing attention and conveying a sense of confidence and professionalism. By selecting the right color palette, you can evoke specific emotions and create a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience.

The advantage of solid colors extends beyond their visual appeal. They provide clarity and simplicity, helping your packaging stand out in a crowded marketplace. Solid hues also facilitate brand recognition, making your products easily identifiable and memorable.

Laser colour

Laser colors offer a futuristic and captivating visual experience that can truly elevate your brand. By incorporating laser-inspired hues into your packaging, you can create a sense of modernity, innovation, and sophistication. These dynamic colors shimmer and change, creating a mesmerizing effect that stands out on the shelves and catches the eye of your target audience.

The advantage of laser colors extends beyond their visually striking appearance. They evoke a sense of high-tech elegance, attracting attention and leaving a lasting impression. Laser colors can give your products a unique identity, setting them apart from the competition and reinforcing your brand’s commitment to cutting-edge excellence.


Shiny Varnish

Shiny varnish is a transformative element that adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to your packaging design. By applying a glossy finish to specific areas or the entire surface, you can create a stunning visual impact that instantly captures attention and conveys a sense of luxury.

The advantage of shiny varnish extends beyond its eye-catching appeal. It enhances the tactile experience, offering a smooth and velvety texture that entices customers to interact with your packaging. The reflective surface also amplifies your branding elements, making your logo, product names, and other design details stand out with a brilliant gleam.

Matte Varnish Frosted Varnish

Aesthetics: Matte varnish provides a non-shiny, flat finish that can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to surfaces. It offers a unique visual appeal and creates a modern, understated look. Matte finishes are particularly popular in industry packaging, where a sleek and contemporary appearance is desired.

Reduced Glare: One of the significant advantages of matte varnish is its ability to minimize glare. Unlike glossy finishes that reflect light, matte varnish diffuses light, reducing glare and reflections. This makes matte finishes ideal for surfaces where glare can be a problem product packaging.

Frosted soft touch

Premium Aesthetic: Frosted soft-touch finishes provide a high-end, premium appearance to products. The frosted effect adds a touch of elegance and sophistication, giving the surface a refined and luxurious look. This finish is often associated with upscale brands and can elevate the perceived value of the product.
Unique Texture: The soft-touch aspect of frosted finishes gives a unique tactile experience to users. The surface has a velvety, smooth texture that feels pleasant to the touch. This tactile sensation enhances the overall product experience and can leave a positive impression on consumers.

Shiny Metallic Matte Metallic

Luxurious Appearance: Metallic finishes have a rich and luxurious appearance that can elevate the perceived value of a product. The reflective properties of metallic finishes give surfaces a shiny, metallic sheen, creating a sense of opulence and elegance. This makes metallic finishes particularly popular in industry packaging, where a premium look is desirable.
Attention-Grabbing: The reflective nature of metallic finishes makes them highly attention-grabbing. The shimmer and shine of metallic surfaces attract and reflect light, drawing the eye and creating visual interest. This can be advantageous for marketing and branding purposes, as it helps products stand out on store shelves or in promotional materials.

Water Transfer Printing

Water transfer printing, also known as hydro dipping or hydrographic printing, is a technique used to apply printed designs to three-dimensional surfaces. 

Due to the nature of the water transfer process, which involves transferring a pattern to an object through water, it’s able to achieve a flawless wrap-around effect, seamlessly covering even complex geometries.

Printing artwork design

Silkscreen Printing

Versatility: Silkscreen printing is a versatile printing method that can be used on a wide range of materials, including plastic, metal, glass, and more.
Durability: Silkscreen printing produces durable and long-lasting prints. The ink used in silkscreen printing is typically thicker and more opaque compared to other printing methods, resulting in bold and vibrant colors that can withstand repeated use, washing, and exposure to environmental elements.

3D Printing

Design Freedom and Complexity: 3D printing enables the creation of highly complex and intricate designs that may be challenging or impossible to produce using traditional manufacturing methods. The layer-by-layer additive process allows for the production of intricate geometries, internal cavities, and customized structures. This design freedom opens up new possibilities for innovative and unique products.
Customization and Personalization: 3D printing enables customization and personalization on a mass scale. Each item can be individually tailored and adapted to meet specific requirements or preferences.

Seamless Printing

Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing your block.

Hot Stamp Printing

High-Quality and Luxurious Appearance: Hot stamp printing produces a high-quality and luxurious appearance on printed materials. The process involves applying a metallic or pigmented foil onto a surface using heat and pressure.
Wide Range of Foil Options: Hot stamp printing provides a wide range of foil options, including metallic foils in various colors, holographic foils, matte foils, and even special effect foils like glitter or pearl finishes. This versatility allows for customization and the ability to create unique and eye-catching designs that align with branding or design requirements.

kraft paper tube

Offset Printing

High-Quality Printing: Offset printing is known for its ability to produce high-quality and detailed prints. It can achieve sharp and vibrant images, precise color reproduction, and fine text, resulting in visually appealing and professional-looking designs on cosmetic tubes.
Wide Color Gamut: Offset printing allows for a wide range of colors to be used, including Pantone spot colors and custom-mixed inks. This flexibility in color selection enables accurate reproduction of brand colors, logos, and artwork, ensuring brand consistency across different packaging materials.